Polling Data

The Nirgal.org Polling Database serves as an archive of relevant public polling data in an easy to access format, complete with quick facts and key takeaways. This database serves as a resource to better understand the American people, the nuances of how they perceive space exploration and their priorities for our future in space. To jump to the full detailed breakdown of the poll, just click on the title for more facts and takeaways!

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Title Date Range Sample Size Quick Facts Key Takeaways
For First Time, Majority in U.S. Backs Human Mission to Mars
06/19/19 - 06/30/191018> 53% of Americans support a crewed mission to Mars > 55% of both Democrats and Republicans support the mission > 65% of Americans 18-29 support a crewed mission to Mars> For the 1st time in Gallup polling, a majority of Americans support a crewed mission to Mars. > Support has risen in all subgroups, especially Democrats and younger Americans.
50 Years After Moon Landing, Support for Space Program High
06/09/19 - 06/30/19101863% believe NASA is doing an either "Excellent" or "Good" job 64% believe the benefits of the space program justify the costs 2/3 of Americans correctly volunteer Neil Armstrong as the 1st man on the MoonA strong majority of Americans are supportive of NASA and want to see its budget either increased or stable Support for NASA is rising over time Neil Armstrong is more well known now than 20 years ago
Most Americans Think NASA And Private Companies Should Have A Role In Space Program
06/13/19 - 06/19/191201> 73% think space exploration contributes to national pride & patriotism, 79% think it contributes to scientific advancement.
> 15% think space exploration should be exclusively NASA, 8% exclusively private companies, and 70% say a mix of both.
> Americans strongly favor public/private partnerships in space.
> Support for NASA spending has risen over the decades. Younger Americans are more favorable to NASA spending.
American Attitudes Towards Space Exploration
06/14/19 - 06/16/191020> Neil Armstrong has 83% name ID, Buzz Aldrin 68%, Elon Musk 57%.
> Only 23% are familiar with the Space Force, and 31% approve of it.
> How NASA’s budget is presented makes a big difference in how much support it receives.
> Americans hold very favorable opinions of NASA and the benefits of space exploration, but few consider themselves even reasonably informed on the topic.
Space Exploration: Attitudes Towards The US Space Program
05/17/19 - 05/20/191137> Monitoring asteroids (68%) and conducting science to understand the Universe (59%) are most popular NASA priorities.
> Regarding a crewed return to the Moon, 42% favor, 20% oppose, 38% neither.
> Majority of Americans see the US as one of many players in space, not a dominant force.
> Plurality of Americans favor aiming for Mars over the Moon, with a large % unsure.
> Roughly half say they would orbit the Earth (drops with age).
Majority Of Americans Believe It Is Essential The US Remain A Global Leader In Space
(Pew Research Center)
03/27/18 - 04/09/182541> 72% of Americans say it is essential the US remain a leader in space
> 80% say investment in the International Space Station has been good for the country
> 7% of Americans are attentive to space news, 22% not at all, 71% say "somewhat"
> Support for the ISS cuts equally (around 70%) across generational, political, education, and gender groups.
> Climate monitoring & asteroid protection are the top public priorities. Humans on the Moon is the lowest ranked "Top Priority".