Polling Data

Space Exploration: Attitudes Towards The US Space Program

5 years ago
05/17/2019 - 05/20/2019
Sample Size
Margin of Error
Quick Facts
> Monitoring asteroids (68%) and conducting science to understand the Universe (59%) are most popular NASA priorities.

> Regarding a crewed return to the Moon, 42% favor, 20% oppose, 38% neither.

Key Takeaways
> Majority of Americans see the US as one of many players in space, not a dominant force.

> Plurality of Americans favor aiming for Mars over the Moon, with a large % unsure.

> Roughly half say they would orbit the Earth (drops with age).
Detailed Breakdown
What American’s consider ‘very/extremely’ important for NASA:

> Monitoring asteroids (68%) and conducting science to understand the Universe (59%) were the only 2 items to get >50% who said that is very or extremely important for NASA.

> Sending robotic probes (47%), support the International Space Station (42%), and search for life on other planets (34%) were the next highest.

> Astronauts to Mars (27%) and the Moon (23%) are near the bottom of the list. Establishing a permanent presence on other planets came in at 21%, and establishing a US military presence in space came in at 19%.

Is America leading in space?

> 80% say no.

> 64% say US is one of several prominent nations.

> 17% apiece regard as either the top nation or not a player at all.

Who should have a major/minor/no role in space exploration?
> US govt - 60/33/6

> Colleges & universities - 42/43/13

> Private companies - 41/43/14

> Other nations - 38/48/12

Do Americans support the return to the Moon?

> 42% favor, 20% oppose, 38% neither.

> 37% say sending astronauts to Mars should take precedence, with 18% prioritizing the Moon between the two, and 43% actively saying neither.

> Roughly half say they would orbit the Earth, diminishing % say they would go on to the Moon or Mars. It is age dependent:

  • Orbit the Earth - 63% under 50s, 40% over 50s

  • Travel to the Moon - 52% under 50s, 27% over 50s

  • Travel to Mars - 45% under 50s, 16% over 50s

    • > Of the 31% who would travel to Mars, less than half would do so if it meant there was no return trip.

      > This is still 10-15% of the American public that says they are willing to travel to Mars and never return.

      > 65% of Americans believe there is intelligent extraterrestrial life in the Universe. This number is 80% for those under 50 vs. 68% for Americans under vs. over 50.

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